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A few notes from the author...

This is far and away the most interesting project that I've ever been a part of. The strange thing for me is that with every book I write, I go into it from the start knowing exactly where the market will be and who the target audience is. In this case, I didn't give a moment's consideration to the marketing of the book... I just knew that I had to write it.

A year ago, during a particularly tough time in my life, I picked up a manuscript that my Granddad had written on the 23rd Psalm - one of his favorite passages of scripture. He'd spent his entire life as a country preacher, and knew the Bible from cover to cover, but Psalm 23 was something special to him. At the time he was eighty years old, had survived a stoke, heart attack, and other medical issues, and was no longer able to preach. Instead, he focused on writing the book... and I'm very happy that he did, because over thirty years later, it helped me through an incredibly bad time.

Granddad died over twenty years ago, but as I was reading his manuscript a year ago I felt a strong calling to get the book published for him. I started working on the manuscript, melding family stories with his theology and meditation on the 23rd Psalm, and the result caught me completely off guard. As I read back through the book before I turned it in for publication, I was surprised by it - I don't write as well as the words that I was reading. Something far beyond me was at work with the book. Believe me, I have to stop and shake my head at this point; I know how weird that sounds, but it is really true.

In the few weeks that it's been out, folks that have heard about it have ordered the book from the website and read it. And it gets even more interesting. People are sending me their experiences with "23", and what the book has meant to them. It seems that "23" is touching readers in many, many different ways - answering specific questions and giving specific help where it is needed. I don't understand it, other than to say that Granddad's studies, and the very hand of God, are touching people through this book. It is certainly nothing that I could do on my own, and I am simply honored to be a part of it.

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