"A pinch is about a saltspoonful..." as my grandmother always said. But her influence in this cookbook goes much further than its name. Her spirit permeates the pages of this gathering of family favorites.
This is definitely not an ordinary cookbook – with every recipe, you’ll hear the personal story of where it came from, and why it is so very special.
Take Shirley’s Chicken, for example, served by my mother every Christmas Eve that I can remember. Or Tami’s Firecracker Carrot Cake that she enters in the Jefferson Carnegie Library’s charity cake auction every Fourth of July.
Family secrets are revealed in the pages of this cookbook as well... my mother’s cheese ball, my own chili recipe, my grandmother’s best guess as to Miss Kitty’s unbaked fruit cake, and even the secret seasoning that I’ve guarded for two decades.
Welcome to the family... because you’re about to experience some of our innermost culinary secrets!
One of my favorite chapters in the book comes from my grandmother; whenever her church had a dinner, a lady named Miss Kitty brought a delicious no-bake fruit cake. She would never reveal the recipe, though, so all the other ladies of the church tried to dissect it and copy it. I have a note in my grandmother's handwriting that starts out, "Remember Miss Kitty's unbaked fruit cake?" I put that note in the book with her recipe... and it's delicious (I'm putting a scan of Grandmother's note below).
Have you ever heard of a Scottish Egg? The London department store Fortnum & Mason claims to have invented the dish in 1738, and the earliest printed recipe appears in the 1809 edition of Mrs. Rundell's A New System of Domestic Cookery. In the United Kingdom packaged Scotch eggs are commonly available in supermarkets, corner shops and motorway service stations. My wife and I discovered them a couple of decades ago at Scarborough Faire Rennisance Festival, and we've been making them ever since. They're something that's really unique, and we love them so much, that I had to include the recipe in this cookbook.
In Jefferson there are a lot of parties and social gatherings, and everyone always brings something to eat. One of our favorite take-alongs is pecan-stuffed mushrooms, and believe me, they're delicious! While they're not hard to make, they always make an incredible impression. They are always one of the first plates emptied on the table. That's me in the photo with a plate of them that we carried to a Jefferson Historical Museum function that was held at Excelsior House. That's the thing about the recipes in this book - they're our family favorites, and we use them all the time!
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60 Scrumptious Recipes... 230+ Pages...
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