Photos of the Grove

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Welcome to The Grove, an 1861 home that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places,
is a Texas Registered Historic Landmark, and a Texas State Antiquities Landmark. It is the only
house in Jefferson to have all of those designations.

The formal sitting parlor, much like the Stilley family might have had it when they built the house. It was used as
a place to entertain visitors, to conduct business, or to enjoy brandy and cigars after a formal dinner with guests.

The dining room, featuring the dining room set of Charles and Daphne Young, who purchased the house
in 1885 and lived at The Grove the rest of their lives.

Originally this room was the east bedroom, but it is used by the current owners as a game room/music room.
It contains the only closet in the house, which was added in 1870.

This is the center stairwell and utility - the most frequently asked question here is, "Where do the stairs go?" Actually, The Grove is only a one-story house, and the attic looks much like any other: no climate control, no electricity, and stacked with boxes. This nicer staircase replaces the original which was much smaller and steeper, much like a ladder.

The master bedroom, and in fact, the only bedroom in the house.

When an addition to the house was made in 1870 to join the detached kitchen to the rest of the house,
the side gallery was built as an open porch. It was enclosed in the 1930's rennovation of the house.

The den is the newest room of the house - it wasn't added until 1870, and is decorated in a Texas motiff,
with Venetian plaster walls and a metallic silver ceiling.

The kitchen, original to the 1861 construction of the house, is decorated in a "general store" theme.

In 2004, The Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club selected The Grove to be one of the historic tour homes for Jefferson's Historic Pilgrimage.

Mitchel & Tami in their pilgrimage costumes.

For Pilgrimage 2005, the gardens of The Grove were selected by the garden club to be on the "Butterfly Garden Tour".

On September 28, 2005, The Grove was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It joined many famous and historical places in the United States - the listing was quite an honor. The standard for naming a house is to use a combination of the family building it and the family living there the longest. The Grove was therefore named for the Frank Stilley family, who built the house in 1861, and the Charles Young family who had a family member living here from 1885 to 1983.

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